"Environment Asset Pack" Shader Work

General / 18 November 2020

Trying out the ShadeIt plugin on these assets, as well as playing with lighting, rendering, and compositing:


"Environment Asset Pack" Add-Ons

General / 26 October 2020
Some more blocking stuff, just expanding and playing with shapes. 

"Environment Asset Pack" Detailing

General / 27 September 2020

Sunday tweaks:


"Environment Asset Pack" Blocking

General / 20 September 2020

Playing around with some props!

"Landing Dock" Sculpting

General / 08 May 2020

Definitely a long ways to go, but here's a start to sculpting detail on my landing dock and spaceship! Playing around with some techniques at the moment, trying to get a feel for how I want the asset to look as a whole. 




"Landing Dock" UV Mapping

General / 27 April 2020

Just trucking along on this project! Spaceship UVs are next.

"Landing Dock" Asset Creation

General / 06 April 2020

Distracting myself during quarantine! 

"Spaceship" Blocking

General / 29 March 2020

New project, blocking stage :)

"Villian" Sculpt Updates

General / 02 March 2020

Updates on my stylized sculpt! Still WIP:


"Villian" Sculpting

General / 13 January 2020

Started playing around with a new style - stylized characters that still have a focus on anatomical features and an emphasis on planar details. So far it's been a lot of fun!  

The initial shape is based on a character by François Bourdin, used with permission. :)  More to come!